rebirth of random thoughts - this and that

while having an exchange of email with my friends, marlon came up with an idea that we (marlon, chie and i) create a blog account. it will be a venue for us to express all our thoughts; interesting, valuable and mostly not .. and while everything else is still in its planning stage, here i am writing my own.. thus the rebirth of random thoughts in its new name.. this and that..

inspired by an article from healthy options magazine, here's my list of "anything"-feel-good: a good book, sipping Starbucks mocha frap (sshhh, i'm actually in Seattle's Best while writing this, talk about favorites huh?), SPA (thinking about it is already relaxing), applying alcohol in your hands after cutting nails (the best!), foot spa and pedicure (so girly!), refreshing bath, eating Bread Talk's Floss (and i wonder why i'm fat?), taking pictures, listening to whatever-music while driving, sleeping, having silly conversations with friends, and let me borrow Chimp's favorite -- a cloudy but sunny day. great times.


blog award

blog award
thanks to myautumndream

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About Me

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"a little wave, bobbling along in the ocean, having a grand old time"
