p.s. i love you

a movie based on a novel by cecelia ahern is on its first showing day and i wouldn't miss it for anything. (not even a steam bath or sauna, wink*wink*)

the story is about a married couple so deeply inlove with each other, having a time of their life when suddenly death comes in between them. Gerry’s death takes the life out of Holly. However, morbid as this sounds, Gerry left her letters that will take her to new adventure and each ends in “P.S. I love you”. I was already in tears after few minutes of watching the movie. It was like feeling Holly’s every pain. I was moved by her struggle to move on and their undying love.

a journey of rediscovery in a story about marriage, friendship and how a love so strong can turn the finality of death into a new beginning for life

the movie differs to the book in several ways but i couldn’t choose one over the other.

we shared some beautiful times together and you made my life... you made my life.


Yesha said...

looks interesting... kaso nakakaiyak? maga na naman mata ko nyan. lolz.

blanca said...

one movie you shouldn't miss

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"a little wave, bobbling along in the ocean, having a grand old time"
