a little peek

Across the street, people are busy watching the lit-up windows and shop fronts, checking items in the night market. A woman with tied hair wearing cream pants and red knitted shirt, is carrying two large shopping paper bags, crossing to the opposite side of the road. She walks along by a restaurant named Serendipity with the smell freshly baked bread and aroma of brewed coffee. She was drawn to enter and then it occurs to her that this is the place where he first saw him. This is the place where they would spend hours of conversation, laughing, and sometimes just reading or studying. Hers is a book in literature while he solves his mathematics and physics problems. It has been 10 years from today. Everything was beautiful music back then.

She thought, why not? She had drive out here now and chances like this may never come again. She walks in and settled herself in a couch in the corner. Just for another little peek of this place, just her.


Yesha said...

some kind of place which stimulates reminiscing of good memories. cool. =]

Yesha said...

i love you, too, pala. hehe. ^^

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"a little wave, bobbling along in the ocean, having a grand old time"
