lessons i learned from...
myautumndream... whatever bitterness and difficulty one is facing, it will pass. one day you will look back and laugh at yourself for being stupid once
superwoman..God provides enough of what you need. and He will not give you any problem which you can't handle
favorite boss... everything happens for a reason, good or bad you will never know. just make the best out of any decision
an old friend... when you wanted to keep a distance from someone, take 2 steps at a time. soon, you will be totally over that person.
i did promise a continuation...
my bestfriend's ex gf... love yourself more than anyone else. at the end of the day, the person who will be there for you is no one but yourself.
my chinese best friend... choose someone who loves you more. a guy who loves you dearly will never hurt you.
*to be continued*
i always believe that everything really happens for a reason. and life is what we make it daw. hehe.
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