just another day

In usual conversations, our boss would tell us story about his youngest child. We end up telling him that he is his favorite which he constantly denies having a favorite child and that he loves them all equally. Parents will never admit having a favorite child. Do they really have one or we just thought so.

All I know is that I am never the favorite child. I am the distant one, the Rebel and the unattached. But, I must say, I am the favorite granddaugther.


Yesha said...

i've been thinking also if i show favoritism among my staff. well, i got favorites, because i want them to excel in their jobs. so i give them tips on how to get the highest rank when appraisal time comes. my purpose: to align their salaries. i don't know if i'm doing the right thing. all i want is for them to be fairly compensated. o.O

blanca said...

like i said, parents don't admit having a favorite. i guess that's normal. for your staffs, same thing. you have people who you feel more comfortable than the other, there are those who excel than the other. the thing is, you shouldn't show it to them else it will create differences between people. or something like that.

Yesha said...

yep, i don't show it naman. i can say they're all happy working in my team. no attrition yet. ako pa lang siguro. haha. joke.

i love you, too. hugs. see you next Sunday?

Marlon said...

i always believed i was my nanay's favorite, although i got some taste of "tatay's tsinelas or sometimes sinturon" (ouch!). During meals i always get the biggest share of ulam (yay!)w/c makes me wonder why i grew up slim.

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