a busy day 01.31.08

Feb 01

today was one busy day, one for me...

the day started with a meeting with our planners and warehouse personnel to talk about our consignment programs which is an advantage in the cash flow due to the delayed payment. however, it seems so illogical that we don't have any min-max inventory in placed. since i need to complete a pending action item, i have to meet concerned people and discuss the proposal to standardize this agreement. at the end of the meeting, the only issue raised was the delivery-on-time reporting. what the **!! i couldn't imagine how on earth can some people care about some reporting when we could have enjoyed the "real" benefit of the consignment agreement. oh earth, talk to me. where's the common sense in this world?

a conference call with other sites followed the meeting. a surprise conference call for me as i didn't have any idea what it was all about. talk about job delegation here. During the call, I couldn’t help notice how difficult it is to understand other site’s representatives speak. Having difficulty understanding them seems that my tongue was twisted and is having difficulty too. This leads me to my next topic, communicating clearly.

A working lunch for us, learning session on leadership values which starts with communicating clearly. This is an hr program which will be facilitated by the management team. The spoke person was our GM. He is a good speaker, makes him the best person to discuss the topic. The most important thread to tie all leadership value: clear communication. Good leaders are good communicators.

It was a well participated learning session. It emphasized the importance of clear exchange of thoughts and ideas. I know our GM as a good speaker, it was a disappointment for me on how he delivered this seminar. It was clear that he didn’t prepare the material as he skipped most of them. The slides were too lengthy and too wordy. You can almost read everything that was supposed to be said and described. Apparently, it was hr personnel who prepared the material although he provided the source book. As mentioned, the learning session and inputs sharing was effective… less the other participant’s way of uplifting themselves with the use of phrases like “i-did-this-and-it-was-effective”, “i-found-out-this-and-you-may-consider”, and all the other “i-so and so”. Oh, shut up you people.

The rest of the afternoon was spent reading emails, follow ups for quotations, updating the rfq file, revising purchasing process for proposal and until finally I have the time to do some research for my paper. Thanks to the available materials in the document center as I’m such a neophyte when it comes to demand management and forecasting planning.

Time to go home, I dropped by my brother’s place as he is leaving the country tomorrow. This makes me nostalgic, (how I love this word, nostalgia) Got to give him the neck tie for his job interview, he will definitely look good on it. And I get to have his old books. Yippee! A treasure for me

Nice seeing him… some thoughtful brother he is. He forgot to inform me a little detail of his life. He got married a week ago and his beautiful wife is having a baby on my favorite month – May. Yeah, I almost had a heart attack upon hearing that news. Good thing that I remember I don’t have any heart failure or illness, hehe. Nevertheless, uninvited and uninformed as I was, I am truly happy. I love them both dearly.

Then, a well deserved dinner with Elias.

It was time to go back to work. I forgot to send the meeting minutes earlier. And lastly, time to finalize my paper. I am back to the world of demand management, forecasting planning, material replenishment scheme, reorder point etc…

Oppps… caught BF. He just left a few minutes ago. He slept in the car again!


Yesha said...

haha. based on your story, i now wonder if i still want to go back to procurement. they are already our customers now.

some news eh re vince. he has to work hard. he'll be a daddy soon. i texted him last night to greet him. hehe.

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"a little wave, bobbling along in the ocean, having a grand old time"
