strange, eccentric

Three beautiful and witty girls that we are, the word that best describes us is weirdo. odd, strange, eccentric. We belong to a world where we have our own worlds. Autistics.

I had a recent communication with Sheryll and Mae, thanks to technology it was like yesterday when we were exchanging our usual sametime conversations. I missed their company more. When Jam left for greener pasteur (Jam is one of my best friends, more of a sister to me. I’ll came up with something about her soon) it was Sheryll and Mae who I became close with. Of course, there’s Raquel and Ms Rose. The later two being sisters-and-mothers to all of us. I find my home in the arms of what we call Purchasing Spice Girls.

Sheryll and Mae are wonderful women. It is their warmth personality that made them really special. Conversations with these two fine ladies will always be interesting, either intellectual or more human (in laymen’s term mga kung anu-anong kalokohan). We never had dull moments. A lunch time in the canteen is always spiced up with our opinions to everyone who passed by. Not in a bad way and if anything a little harsh, well, thanks to my opinions then. We were addicted to Text Twist when it even came to a point that any word we saw in anywhere, our minds were already working for words.

Beauty, brains, personality and the purest heart -- we all have in common. Ok, ok. I accept I am a little unwell.

Distance may be in between the three of us now but the friendship we built for years will remain. Miss ya girlfriends!


Yesha said...

kakamiss nga sa philips. hehe. miss din kita.

Yesha said...

ay, ako pala yun nag-comment. hehe.

- ayesh

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"a little wave, bobbling along in the ocean, having a grand old time"
