day 1
"Leadership springs from within. It's about who I am as much as what I do."
this sums up what i learned from class today. oh, i really love going to school. amidst the assignments and paper works, nothing beats continuous learning. didn't i mention that in my previous blog already? talk about stressing a point.
after i survive this term, i might take 2 subjects next term. let's see.
i receive a mostly meet rating in my job evaluation for last year's performance. i felt i exceeded expectations though.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009 | Labels: journal, school | 0 Comments
the kite runner
although i've read the book and watched the movie, watching it again still makes me cry.
no amount of good doing could compensate the pain he caused his friend. there is a way to be good again, but i think it's too late.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009 | Labels: books, movie | 0 Comments
a wilderness explorer is a friend to all, be it bird or fish or tiny mole!
Saturday, September 05, 2009 | Labels: movie | 0 Comments
blog award
my awards
Blogs I Read
How To Balance Being a Mom And Having Fun1 month ago
Miss Independent...10 years ago
About Me
- blanca
- "a little wave, bobbling along in the ocean, having a grand old time"